


Dreamy indie pop comes with RAUM27! Between the sparkling of the Rhine and the tranquility of the Kaiserstuhl, the band knows exactly how to create a scenic atmosphere.

Infos about Artist

RAUM27 is a newcomer band from Germany that released their second album. “No Tears” is the name of the new LP, which will boom through the speakers for the first time on February 7, 2025. In their songs RAUM27 tell little stories from everyday life and growing up. The duo from Bremen finds their sound between weightlessness and the attempt to achieve it despite all the problems that plague the world. The diversity and depth of their lyrics are what makes RAUM27 the mouthpiece of an entire generation and what makes them so successful. We are looking forward to the symbiosis of melancholic indie and electrifying pop at Pinot and Rock!

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